Comic Truthiness
The "Sunday Funnies" have been decidedly un-funny lately, in fact I can hardly remember the last time I had a good laugh at one of the so-called comic strips. Most of them are just plain stupid, and then there's strips like "For Better or Worse", or "Funky Winkerbean" that try to straddle the line between funny and serious and wind up being neither. But I've always been a big fan of Berkeley Breathed from the "Bloom County" days, so I especially enjoyed "Opus" today. Click on the image below for a larger (i.e., "readable") version:

Way back when America was a civilized country, presidential elections meant six leisurely months of state primaries, followed by articulate and compelling national conventions, and a mercifully short general election campaign. Not any more. Arm yourselves, indeed.

Way back when America was a civilized country, presidential elections meant six leisurely months of state primaries, followed by articulate and compelling national conventions, and a mercifully short general election campaign. Not any more. Arm yourselves, indeed.
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