spring back, fall forward?

Fortunately, there is a fix for this in the form of an operating system patch from Microsoft, formally known as KB931836. This update to Windows will allow your computer to recognize the new dates. However, to download it, your system must pass the "Windows Genuine Advantage" validation test -- an onerous and controversial anti-piracy program designed to ferret out bogus copies of Windows, and phone home details of your system to Redmond if it finds one. Not that I think any of my über-responsible readers would have anything less than the genuine article on their machines, but in case any rogue software pirates have stumbled upon this site in a drive-by blogging, you anti-social criminals can get the file you need (which goes by the easy-to-remember name of WindowsXP-KB931836-x86-ENU.exe) from several alternate sources without having to validate your copy of Windows. Far be it from me to condone such nefarious activity by telling you exactly where you can find this file. I do have standards, you know.

This event is much more of a hassle in the corporate world than it is for home users, perhaps even more so than the much-anticipated "Y2K" bug which had very little actual effect. Microsoft is taking heat for not warning early enough of possible impact from the DST change to its applications, especially Exchange, and business users are also grumbling about how the company is now addressing the snafu as well.
"Microsoft has 14 pages of fine print on how to address DST using the Exchange Calendaring tool," said one corporate user. "We're on revision 19 as of March 8. You also have to watch a video on how to do this. It takes 23 minutes. It gives me a headache."
I personally think the new time change is absurd and confusing. More significantly, there are serious questions that the stated goal of "energy conservation" will be realized. According to a report prepared by a staff member of the California Energy Commission, "there is no clear evidence that electricity will be saved from the earlier start of daylight savings time", and in fact usage could possibly increase due to peak load demands in the morning when it is still slightly darker and cooler.
But when was the last time the government did anything that made sense?
At 3/11/2007 10:20:00 PM,
Daisy Martin said…
I should have known there was a technical reason why my computer did not change time automaticly this morning.
I like to live in the past though so it doesn't bother me living life today 1 hour in the past. (does that make any sense? No, it didn't to me either).
At 3/15/2007 03:05:00 PM,
Janelle said…
Yeah, I haven't really figured out how oru government thought that this would save on energy. Sure I don't have to turn on my lights in the mornings when I awake up now, but I do find myself using the lights ealier (and longer) now in the evening. I am pretty sure it equals out to be the same amount of time the lights are on at my house.
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