"Madame, bear in mind That princes govern all things--save the wind." -Victor Hugo, The Infanta's Rose

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

More Mardi Gras fun

Happy Fat Tuesday, folks. It's a sad sign that posting here at WitW has sucked serious wind lately, as you can scroll not very far down this page and see 2009's Mardi Gras entry, for Pete's sake. That aside, once again the good folks at Sutherland's Hardware have come up with a sure-fire way for us East Texans to celebrate the festive occasion. Last year it was hog panels and barbed wire. And what do they have for us this year?

Yep, chain saws. Hey, do we know how to party or what?

Friday, February 12, 2010

Snow foolin'

Much of East Texas is virtually immobilized by a snow storm that dumped about 4" or more of the white stuff on us overnight. Schools and businesses are closed, and many folks are without power today. You folks up north will no doubt be unimpressed by these photos taken in and around our yard early this morning, but realize this sort of thing hardly ever happens down here. We get snow maybe once every other year or so, and even that is usually a light dusting that melts as soon as it hits the ground. To get this sort of accumulation is very, very rare -- and in fact this is the most snowfall I've seen in my nearly 30 years of living in Texas.