White House Law & Order
No sooner had I posted my recent entry on Fred Thompson, when the very next day I received the latest issue of Newsweek magazine in the mail. The "Newsmakers" section opined (only half in jest) that if we're going to get one actor from the show as president we might as well draft the entire cast. The funny thing is, these choices make a lot of sense to me and I can definitely imagine positions in a Thompson cabinet being filled by:
ED GREEN (JESSE L. MARTIN): He's crisp, smooth and deals well with kids. Oh, he also has gambling issues.
POSITION: Secretary of Education
ANITA VAN BUREN (S. EPATHA MERKERSON): Obstinate and brusque, she relishes conflict and doesn't try smoothing it over.
POSITION: Secretary of Defense
JACK MCCOY (SAM WATERSTON): The con: doesn't usually share Thompson's views. The pros: exacting, intense and merciless.
POSITION: Attorney general
REY CURTIS (BENJAMIN BRATT): As a junior to Detective Briscoe (Jerry Orbach), he usually wound up driving the squad car.
POSITION: Transportation secretary
SERENA SOUTHERLYN (ELISABETH ROHM): Thompson's character canned her, she thought, because she's a lesbian.
POSITION: In a GOP cabinet? Riiiiiiiiight.
What do you think, readers? What Hollywood actor or celebrity would you feel most comfortable with as president? Would you opt for someone who has already played the position on the big screen, such as Harrison Ford ("Air Force One"), Bill Pullman ("Independence Day"), or Morgan Freeman ("Deep Impact"), or someone less conventional like Johnny Depp, for example? Leave a comment as to who you'd nominate, and why. If you're stumped, you can find a few suggestions here.

POSITION: Secretary of Education

POSITION: Secretary of Defense

POSITION: Attorney general

POSITION: Transportation secretary

POSITION: In a GOP cabinet? Riiiiiiiiight.
What do you think, readers? What Hollywood actor or celebrity would you feel most comfortable with as president? Would you opt for someone who has already played the position on the big screen, such as Harrison Ford ("Air Force One"), Bill Pullman ("Independence Day"), or Morgan Freeman ("Deep Impact"), or someone less conventional like Johnny Depp, for example? Leave a comment as to who you'd nominate, and why. If you're stumped, you can find a few suggestions here.
At 9/13/2007 08:29:00 PM,
Anonymous said…
Setting aside partison politics--perhaps because I'm on crack as I have been for most of the last decade--I would suggest that America needs a "uniter" in the white house. I, therefore, nominate Paul Reubens, who would combine the intellect of George W. with the pure sexual pervesion of Bill Clinton.
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