Dewey Readmore Books, Library Cat

SPENCER, Iowa - The final chapter is closed on Dewey Readmore Books. The 19-year-old cat, who became a mascot for the city's library after being found in a book drop, died Wednesday in the arms of librarian Vicki Myron.
The temperature was minus 10 when Myron and another librarian found Dewey under a pile of books in the library's book drop when they came to work one morning in January 1988.
"We didn't know if someone abandoned him or if a Good Samaritan found him on the street and shoved him in the book drop to get him out of the cold," she said. "His paws were frozen. We warmed him up and fed him and he just purred and cuddled. From day one, we felt he'd be the right personality for the public."
Since then, Dewey became famous, Myron said.
She said TV crews came from as far away as Japan to do stories about him. Myron said she has found 222 "hits" for Dewey on the Internet search engine "Google."
Dewey's name was chosen in a local contest to name him shortly after he was found. He was named after the Dewey Decimal System, a system used in most libraries to catalog books.
Dewey, who Myron said still came running for cheeseburgers, boiled ham and chicken garlic TV dinners, had been experiencing health problems recently and was diagnosed with a stomach tumor shortly before Nov. 18, which was officially marked as his 19th birthday.
After his health rallied, he started "acting funny trying to hide" and Myron decided to take him to the vet and have him euthanized.
Library employee Kim Peterson said the staff is talking about having Dewey cremated and burying his ashes at the library.
Read the full story in the Sioux City Journal, or see Dewey's official bio. This week's Carnival of the Cats is being hosted by Catymology.
At 12/03/2006 04:44:00 PM,
Anonymous said… could not help yourself could you? you took a break for a day and then here you are posting again! i think you should up the ante to two posts per day!!
The blog, she is a cruel mistress.
At 12/04/2006 06:41:00 PM,
Sphincter said…
Awww. I'm at least glad poor old Dewey had a long life and enjoyed the library for all those years.
At 12/04/2006 09:47:00 PM,
April said…
Thats a cute story, very creative name for a library cat too. Sounds like he led a full and happy life :)
At 12/05/2006 11:35:00 PM,
sumo said…
Very sweet story...but they do finally have to go at sometime. He had a very good life with them and that's what counts.
At 9/28/2008 12:01:00 PM,
Chus said…
This is what I think: Dewey Readmore Books
At 3/10/2009 04:45:00 PM,
Anonymous said…
396,000 that is how many search they have for dewey now
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