Are you a thrillseeker? Fancy yourself as the next James Bond? The C.I.A. would like to talk to you. The agency is actively recruiting new employees, and has hired a PR firm to jazz up its image, including TV ads on the Discovery Channel. It also created this
Personality Quiz on the CIA's website, where you can determine for yourself if you're potential spook material. The tongue-in-cheek quiz is designed to encourage job applications while dispelling some of the myths and preconceptions some people might have about working for "The Firm". For example:
"Myth #2: Everyone Drives a Sports Car with Machine Guns in the Tailpipes. Car chases through the alleyways of a foreign city are common on TV, but they’re not what a CIA career is about. And, they don’t compare with the reality of being part of worldwide intelligence operations supporting a global mission."According to my results, I am an "Impressive Mastermind". I have no idea what this means, but it certainly sounds cool, so I may have to consider a second career with the CIA. Maybe I'll get to wear a tuxedo to work while I sip on a dry martini, shaken, not stirred. The name's Toast. Mister Toast.
At 11/26/2006 01:54:00 PM,
Sphincter said…
I'm sure Mrs Toast has told you this, but the CIA is always trying to recruit librarians.
At 11/26/2006 07:08:00 PM,
Anonymous said…
I'm a Thoughtful Observer. It seems like they could have spiced that up a bit and made me an Oracle or maybe just said "We have never encountered anyone quite like you. Please come work for us. You're brilliant and witty and we need you in the CIA. Is $1M annually enough?"
I'm sure that's what Sphincter's results said.
At 11/26/2006 11:08:00 PM,
Mr. Toast said…
Somehow, I suspect that this blog may be on some top-secret CIA "subversive individual watch list", and the chances of me getting a job with any government agency are about as good as Janet Reno being featured in a Penthouse spread.
At 11/27/2006 05:19:00 PM,
bossann said…
I'm a Daring Thrill-Seeker...never would have guessed, would you? ROFLOL!!! Of course, I'm thinking that this is totally random since I, too, picked shopping on Rodeo and European wardrobes! Thanks for the grin!
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