"Madame, bear in mind That princes govern all things--save the wind." -Victor Hugo, The Infanta's Rose

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Loose Moose

For the benefit of fellow blogger Moose in the Kitchen, Mrs. Toast is shown here modeling the latest in Vermont fashions (click the photo for a larger version). Moose (Mooses? Meese?) are quite popular critters in this part of the country. "Caution: Moose Crossing" signs can be seen every few miles or so on the highway, and many moose-themed shops and restaurants are also featured, such as The Cool Moose Creamery where we stopped in Concord, NH. (Ms. Moose, if you ever consider replacing your car, I think you should call this place and make them an offer on the Moose Wagon.) We also picked up maple sugar candy in the shape of moose antlers, as well as other tasty treats. Fortunately, the store has a web site for anyone who absolutely must have similar moose-logo'd items.

You want them. You know you do.


  • At 8/02/2006 12:06:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Ha! I just had this discussion a few days ago - we believe that the plural of moose is...wait for it...moose.

    Since starting this blog, my moose paraphernalia has jumped. But I think I need more. So please excuse me while I click on that link and do some shopping. : )


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