...is my new Favorite Word. Thanks and a big shoutout to Moose for adding it to my meager lexicon. Before this, my prior favorite word was "asshat", an all-purpose word so totally cool that it even has its own official website. But, other than in reference to the current occupant of the White House, I haven't had much occasion to use it in casual conversation lately, so when "fusternut" came along I latched onto it like a pit bull to a pork chop.
The best part of "fusternut" is that it has no specific defined meaning, so you can use it pretty much any way you like. Here are but a few suggestions:
"You're such a silly fusternut!"
"Dammit, I better turn that little fusternut of information over to the proper authorities, toot sweet."
"Hey! Has anybody seen my fusternut?"
I encourage everyone to feel free to use it in whatever way seems appropriate to you.
In my opinion, however, the absolute best use of this word would be as a name for a candy bar. Frankly, I'm amazed that so far no corporate genius at Nestle or Hershey has seized on this, but I think it's just a matter of time. So even though I thought up this idea, Ms. Moose coined the word to begin with so I hereby publicly cede all rights and royalties that may result from suchcrass exploitation brilliant marketing to her. Hey, that's just the kind of swell fella I am. All I ask, Moose, is that after it becomes the top-selling candy bar in the world and you're rolling in the big bucks, swing your Lear Jet down to Texas some day and cook me up a nice big fat juicy steak.
And I'll have one of these for dessert.
The best part of "fusternut" is that it has no specific defined meaning, so you can use it pretty much any way you like. Here are but a few suggestions:
"You're such a silly fusternut!"
"Dammit, I better turn that little fusternut of information over to the proper authorities, toot sweet."
"Hey! Has anybody seen my fusternut?"
I encourage everyone to feel free to use it in whatever way seems appropriate to you.
In my opinion, however, the absolute best use of this word would be as a name for a candy bar. Frankly, I'm amazed that so far no corporate genius at Nestle or Hershey has seized on this, but I think it's just a matter of time. So even though I thought up this idea, Ms. Moose coined the word to begin with so I hereby publicly cede all rights and royalties that may result from such
And I'll have one of these for dessert.

At 1/25/2006 11:16:00 PM,
April said…
Fusternut Fusternut FUSTERNUT!!! I love it!
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